Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Traditional Egg Tarts

Tart Shell
140g chilled butter
1 egg yolk
70g icing sugar
250g plain flour

Custard Filling
140g sugar
300ml water
4 eggs
80ml evaporated milk

  • prepare pastry by combining cold butter, icing sugar and plain flour in a bowl and rub using finger tips till crumbly
  • create a well in the middle and add the egg yolk
  • mix with pressing motion instead of kneading to form a ball (add a bit of ice water if too dry)
  • cling wrap the dough and leave in fridge for half or 1 hour
  • for custard, cook sugar and water till sugar is dissolved and leave to cool completely
  • mixed cooled sugar syrup with eggs and evaporated milk and whisk lightly (do not beat)
  • strain 2-3 times to remove any lumps
  • prepare dough in tart tins by pressing up to the edge (about 25-30g depending on the tin)
  • fill custard about 90%
  • bake for about 15-17min at 190°C
  • leave to cool and custard will be more set
  • after that you can easily slide it off the mould

Foodnote: Making this for my nephew because it is his favorite. First try is successful. I have 2 moulds, just simple round one. I have 19 of the medium ones (one is missing huhu) and 12 biggers ones. Decide to use the smaller mould with 20g base. Will increase to 25g to have thicker crust next time.

Alternatively, I think next time I will use the tartlet crust as it is firmer. I will also add a half teaspoon of vanilla butter to the custard to make the taste nicer.

The custard will have leftovers. What I did is, combine with the egg whites, add a bit more milk/condensed milk and use it to make bread pudding. I added butter and butterscotch chips... so yummy!!!
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