Showing posts with label Noodles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noodles. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wonton Skin & Noodles

Wonton Skin & Asian Noodles
100% plain flour
1% salt
0.5% alkaline water
35-40% water
few drops of yellow coloring (optional but will give it a yellow noodle coloring)

100% plain flour
2% salt
35% water

Pang Mian
100% cake flour
2% salt
35% water

90% or 80% cake flour
10% or 20% rye flour/buckwheat flour
2% salt
35% water

100g semolina flour
1 large egg
a pinch of salt

(wonton skin & asian noodles)
  • put flour in a mixer
  • mix water, alkali water, water and coloring together in a jug
  • using a hook attachment, start on low speed and very slowly, pour water into mixing bowl
  • mix till dough becomes crumbly
  • take a handful of dough and clump together to form a ball
  • roll to about 4mm
  • using a pasta/noodle machine starting from level 6, roll the dough down one level each time till level 1
  • let dough through level 1 again
  • to make wonton skin, using a round cutter and flour each slice of wonton skin so that it won't stick to each other (to use wonton skin another day, flour each wonton skin with corn flour)
  • cover the cut wonton skin so that it won't get dry
  • to form noodles, use the noodles/pasta cutter of the machine

Foodnote: One of the best part of this cooking/baking class is to learn to make things from scratch. Finally I am confident and inspired to one day (ehem ehem) make my own noodles. Just need to get the noodle machine first. Saw it selling cheap on shopee... so will definitely get one soon.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mee Goreng Basah

(estimated according to taste)
yellow hokkien noodle (washed and soaked)
500g prawns
2 pcs of fish cakes
1 large onions
2 garlics
1 cup of chilli paste
sawi or chinese mustard green
vegetable oil
chilli sauce
tomato sauce
dark soya sauce
oyster sauce
knorr chicken cube
sugar & salt to taste
some oil for frying
optional: fresh tomatoes, fried shallots, parsley (daun sup), chillies, fried egg etc.

  • fry onion and garlic until fragrant
  • add in chilli paste and fry in slow fire until really cooked
  • add in the prawns and fish cakes
  • at this point, add more water if wet mee goreng consistency is desired
  • add in all the sauces, sugar, chicken cube until boiling (taste the paste)
  • add in noodles and once the noodles are almost done, add in sawi and tomatoes
  • stir a bit and immediately turn off the heat and enjoy nom nom nom

I prefer my noodles moist and eaten with fried egg on the side sprinkled with fried shallots and chopped chilli padi
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