Showing posts with label Agar-agar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agar-agar. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Agar-agar Gudil (Bunga Telang/Blue Butterfly Pea)

2 pkt agar2 powder
2 litre water
500g or 2 cups of sugar
200ml Kara coconut cream
salt to taste
blue coloring from blue butterfly pea (boil flowers in water)

  • mix eggs, coconut cream and blue coloring thoroughly and put aside
  • boil agar2 in water and sugar together with pandan leaf
  • leave agar2 till boiling (bubbly) and add in the egg and coconut cream ingredients
  • stir till agar2 separated
  • pour on container and leave to cool before leaving in the refigerator

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Agar-agar Gudil Gula Melaka

Coconut Milk Layer
200ml Kara coconut milk
1 1/2 cup water
1 large egg
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence

Agar2 Layer
10g agar-agar strip or 10g agar2 powder
240g chopped gula melaka
2 tbsp dark brown sugar
3 cups water
pandan leaves

  • combine and whisk lightly ingredients for the coconut milk mixture, sift and put aside
  • (if using agar2 strip, soak and cut into small pieces before using)
  • boil sugar and pandan leaves until sugar dissolved and add in the agar2
  • cook till all dissolved and lower the temperature
  • pour coconut milk and egg mixture into agar-agar
  • bring temperature up to a boil (stirring all the way) until you can see some curdling from the eggs
  • once separation can be seen quickly pour into a glass dish or any desired mould (preferably 7x7x3 inch)
  • once cooled about 30min to an hour, leave agar-agar in the fridge about 1 to 2 hours until firm enough to cut and serve
good gula melaka should be soft and brittle. If the gula melaka have impurities, you may want to sieve the agar-agar first before adding the coconut milk and egg mixture. Pandan leaf may be removed at the sametime...

I love love love love agar-agar gudil made by my mum. I pester her for the traditional recipe passed down from my late grandmother. Mum never use agar-agar powder so I must also follow lah. This is so good and and easy to make.

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