Showing posts with label Stir Fry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stir Fry. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Crabs ala Fatty's

5 fresh live crabs
6 green chillies
2 red chilli padi
3 green chilli padi
1cm ginger
4 large red onions
8 garlic
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tbsp asam jawa adabi Xtra/tamarind
3 tbsp chicken stock
2 tbsp plum sauce
chilli flakes
3-4 tbsp sugar
salt to taste
2 tbsp corn flour
coriander leaves for garnishing (optional)

  • clean crabs and put aside
  • blend blend onions, garlic and ginger
  • sauteed till fragrant then add in pepper and chicken stock
  • add the rest of ingredients and make sure you taste it till satisfactory adjusting salt, sugar, plum sauce etc.
  • in another wok, dry fry crabs till shell turns red
  • add in gravy and cook together
  • add in about 2 cups of water... or up to you
  • mix corn flour in water and pour in to thicken the gravy
  • done... let's eat

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Squid in Black Ink

squid (rclean and put aside black ink pouch)
chilli or chilli padi (slced)
fresh tumeric or powder
salt or ikan bilis cube
a bit of oil

  • chop onion, garlic and ginger and sautee together with tumeric till fragrant
  • add squid and chillis together with the squid ink
  • add in salt or ikan bilis cube
  • water can be added for a bit of gravy
  • eat with plain rice... yummm

This is a simple, quick and good dish. Like it a bit spicy and with some gravy.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Otak-otak Ikan Tenggiri

tenggiri fish
coconut milk
banana leaves (cleaned and soften over fire)

dried chillis
fresh chillis
fresh ginger
fish curry powder
sugar and salt to taste

  • blend fiah, egg and coconut milk and put aisde
  • blend ingredients for spices together and stir fry without oil till fragrant
  • once spice paste have cooled, mixed with fish paste
  • wrap in banana leaves, fasten open edges with toothpick and grill till cooked

This recipe is courtesy from my friend Suria. I prefer the fish a little chunky so next time I am going to just chop the fish instead of using the blender. I will probably add a bit of oil to stir fry the spices. I actually steam the otak2 slightly before grilling. Overall... very nice and just a bit spicy. Awesome food for bbq or just as dish to eat with rice.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mee Goreng Basah

(estimated according to taste)
yellow hokkien noodle (washed and soaked)
500g prawns
2 pcs of fish cakes
1 large onions
2 garlics
1 cup of chilli paste
sawi or chinese mustard green
vegetable oil
chilli sauce
tomato sauce
dark soya sauce
oyster sauce
knorr chicken cube
sugar & salt to taste
some oil for frying
optional: fresh tomatoes, fried shallots, parsley (daun sup), chillies, fried egg etc.

  • fry onion and garlic until fragrant
  • add in chilli paste and fry in slow fire until really cooked
  • add in the prawns and fish cakes
  • at this point, add more water if wet mee goreng consistency is desired
  • add in all the sauces, sugar, chicken cube until boiling (taste the paste)
  • add in noodles and once the noodles are almost done, add in sawi and tomatoes
  • stir a bit and immediately turn off the heat and enjoy nom nom nom

I prefer my noodles moist and eaten with fried egg on the side sprinkled with fried shallots and chopped chilli padi
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