Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Crabs ala Fatty's

5 fresh live crabs
6 green chillies
2 red chilli padi
3 green chilli padi
1cm ginger
4 large red onions
8 garlic
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tbsp asam jawa adabi Xtra/tamarind
3 tbsp chicken stock
2 tbsp plum sauce
chilli flakes
3-4 tbsp sugar
salt to taste
2 tbsp corn flour
coriander leaves for garnishing (optional)

  • clean crabs and put aside
  • blend blend onions, garlic and ginger
  • sauteed till fragrant then add in pepper and chicken stock
  • add the rest of ingredients and make sure you taste it till satisfactory adjusting salt, sugar, plum sauce etc.
  • in another wok, dry fry crabs till shell turns red
  • add in gravy and cook together
  • add in about 2 cups of water... or up to you
  • mix corn flour in water and pour in to thicken the gravy
  • done... let's eat

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