Showing posts with label Ice Cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ice Cream. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2022

Easy Ice Cream

400ml whipping cream
150-200ml condensed milk
any chopped or pureed fruits, nuts etc. 
(for this I use mangoe puree and added cubed)

  • fold condensed milk with mango puree
  • in another bowl, whisk whipping cream till medium peak
  • fold in the condensed milk mixture (or any flavour of your choice eg. nuts, raisins, chocolate chips etc.)
  • transfer into clean container and freeze for minimum 8 hours

Foodnote: My friend gave me 2 large and ripe mangoes so I tried to make ice cream! Super easy, creamy and delicious. I also make ice cream when I have leftover whipping cream when making bread. Seriously so yummy and I can add any other balance ingredients that I wanted to clear.
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