Showing posts with label Fermented. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fermented. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2016

Tapai Ubi Kayu

ubi kayu (cassava) chopped and 3/4 boiled or steamed
powdered ragi (wine biscuit or yeast)
banana leaves & toothpick (optional)

  • placed cool ubi kayu in container and sprinkle some powdered ragi to evenly spread on the surface (can be layered)
  • cover the container and leave in a shelve or cabinet for 3 days
  • after 3 days, the ubi kayu will undergo fermentation and gives off a sweet smell
  • at this point, it is ready to be eaten or transferred in banana leaves and kept in the fridge

I am a fan of tapai and about time I made it myself. One day I am going to make apam tapai ubi... that would be fun! This tapai ubi is also good eaten with vanilla ice-cream... yes... eaten with ice cream. I had that as a dessert once during my friend's wedding and love it.
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