Showing posts with label Pudding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pudding. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Sweet Corn Custard Pudding (SIL Recipe)

380g del monte sweet corn cream style
600g Kara coconut milk
600ml water
Bird's brand custard powder (fill the sweet corn pack)
castor sugar (fill the sweet corn pack)

  • in a large pot, mix all ingredients together before turning on the fire on medium heat
  • keep stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot for about 10-15min till the mixture become thick and heavy
  • pour the custard into any mould and leave to cool for few hours till custard is set (once a bit cool, can leave it in the fridge to set)

Foodnote: Trying a recipe from my SIL as it is quite easy. I'm just using leftover custard powder and no castor powder so I just used up the balance icing sugar *oops*. Turns out well though hehe... will use this recipe in the future and next time will try to measure the custard powder and sugar. Will stick to this recipe next time

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sweet Corn Custard Pudding

130g custard powder
130g castor sugar
35g gula melaka or palm sugar
250g evaporated milk (can use coconut milk but I don't have any)
380g cream style cream of corn (I use 1 tetrapack of del Monte)
a pinch of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
500ml water

  • blend/whisk custard powder, sugar, milk/coconut milk till no lumps
  • in a pan/wok bring water to a boil and pour in the custard mixture followed by the cream corn, vanilla & salt stirring constantly
  • keep stirring till mixture thickens (around 10-15min)
  • turn off fire and scoop into mould or pan to room temperature (15min)
  • chill in the freezer till set about 3-4 hour and cut to serve

Foodnote: I love corn pudding. I ever tried once but it didn't set properly *pout. Finally decided to make it again after my SIL send me a small container recently and I ate just few pieces and the rest was cleared by my niece. This time... success!!! I think I may have cooked too long and the top doesn't look smooth sob sob... oh well... 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Bread Pudding

2 loaves of bread (leftovers)
1/2 cup of unsalted butter
1 can of evaporated milk or 2 cups of fresh milk
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
1/2 tbsp of vanilla essence
2 eggs
raisins (optional)

  • in a pot, combine butter, milk, water, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon powder, and vanilla essence. Cook until the butter melt but not till boiling. Leave to cool...
  • add the eggs and whisk into the mixture. Put aside...
  • cut breads into small pieces and arrange in any greased cake pan
  • if you have raisins, randomly put in between the breads
  • scoop the pudding mixture pour evenly on the bread
  • pat bread so that pudding mixture is evenly absorbed by the bread... put aside for about 30min
  • bake in pre-heated oven at about 160 degree for about 20 to 30 mins

Foodnote: A kind friend, gave me lots of breads. I gave some to my brother who lives nearby and kept 2 loaves of bread. One is kaya and one is coconut. After 2 days, I use the leftover to make the bread pudding. I included the kaya but remove the coconut fillings. I think it was quite nice. Of course it would be nicer with vanilla sauce... but no time for that. It is nice eaten warm. Love the crispy top and sides yummyyyy
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