Showing posts with label 3 Ingredients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 Ingredients. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Easy 3 Ingredients Banana Bread

3pcs over ripe bananas (330g) 
1½ cup self-raising flour 
¾ cup condensed milk 

½ tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp vanilla
½ cup chopped nuts etc.

  • mix mashed bananas and condensed milk in a bowl till well incorporated
  • add sifted self-raising flour and mix well till no traces of flour
  • pour into a greased pan lined with parchment paper
  • bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 45-60min (depending on the baking pan)
  • test with a skewer to make sure that bread is fully baked
  • remove from pan, peel off the parchment paper and cool on a rack

Foodnote: A good friend gave me lots of over ripe bananas. I made some into jemput-jemput and the rest I bake into this easy banana bread recipe that I got from youtube. Turns out nice and moist... not bad at all. I did reduce the condense milk a little. Will shrink wrap and keep in the fridge. Any other day can toast and eat with butter... yummy!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kueh Sempret / Semprit / Semperit

250g butter
130g condensed milk
350-400g corn flour

  • in a bowl, mix butter and condensed milk with a spatula till smooth
  • add in sifted corn flour in 2 batches till it comes together in soft dough
  • let dough rest covered in a bowl or clingwrap for 15min
  • prepare baking tray by brushing lightly with butter
  • stuff the semprit press (see right image) with dough and press onto tray allowing space in between (cookie will expand a lil bit)
  • let the cookie rest for 1/2 hour or more before baking
  • decorate each cookie with dried fruit, cut cherry or chocolate chip or whatever if desired
  • bake at 150° for 20min
  • let it cool before storing

Foodnote: I love recipes that only use few ingredients and this is one easy and yummy recipe. The dough itself smells milky and while baking, my kitchen smells marvelous. Toppings are optional such as chocolate chips, raisins, cherries etc. I use rainbow sprinkles as I have that in my fridge and it added color to my cookies. Niece loves it so can make it anytime as snacks.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

No Sugar Artisan Bread

2 cups of bread flour
1 cup of very warm water (not boiling)
1/2 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp active yeast
melted butter + white sesame (optional)

Roasted garlic & spring onion butter spread
  • mix soft salted butter with roasted chopped garlic and spring onion

  • add the salt and yeast to the warm water in a big bowl
  • add in the flour and mix with a spatula or by hand till evenly mixed... it will be sticky
  • cover it with clingwrap or if the bowl comes with a cover, leave a small gap for air to escape and leave it to rise for 2 hours (it should double in size)
  • flour your hand to handle the dough and divide into 2 equal portions
  • round the dough and place it on a parchment paper (or grease the tray) and leave to proof for another 40min
  • after 40min, pre-heat the oven to 170-180°C
  • brush the dough with melted butter and sprinkle white sesame (optional as I find the sesame don't stick well)
  • score the dough on the sides and top
  • bake for 30 minutes with a water tray at the bottom
  • after 30 minutes, turn off the heat and leave the door of the oven open for 15-30 mins 

Foodnote: After trying out the killer toast recipe, I just have to try this easy no knead artisan bread that requires no sugar. Although it is time consuming to have to wait for the dough to rise etc. but it can also be left in the fridge overnight and the next day, just shape and bake. I actually only bake 1/4 of the actual recipe and I got 2 big round loaves of bread that can last me for 2-3 days!! I also made a mistake ggrrr... I found a craft cutter instead of my scoring knife. No wonder it is not sharp that I have to use my knife. After that... than I found my scoring knife ggrrrrr... Definitely will be making this again for my upcoming potluck session... AAANDD... using my scoring knife this time round!! Another mistake I did is to use a greaseproof baking paper instead of parchment paper so the bottom stick ~sigh. Need to slice the paper off the bottom hhhmmm. Next time will just grease the baking tray. Taste wise... very nice when it is hot to eat with butter and jam. Very chewy so obviously I love the killer toast more. However... still nice and I finish a whole loaf *hide*

Made this again for potluck session. This time, I prepared garlic and spring onion spread. It is really yummy and a hot favourite with my friends!! I tried to demo but run out of bread flour so we got Bake King bread flour instead of Prima which I used previously. The dough came out very sticky hhhmmm. Maybe need more flour for different brand of bread flour. Will take note.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Easy Soft Chapati

3 cups atta flour
1tsp salt
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
enough water

  • mix flour, salt and oil together
  • keep adding water till dough comes together
  • make a ball and oil the surface
  • leave it for 20minutes
  • knead dough on floured surface
  • divide into 5 pieces and flatten it
  • for layered chapati, refer to here

Foodnote: This is a good recipe. Very easy and nice. It is also still soft when I preheat the next day. Will stick to this whenever I crave for chapati at home.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Honey Cornflakes

8 cups cornflakes
1 cup sugar
300g butter
4 tbsp honey
paper cups

Optional: nuts, choc chips, sprinkles

  • Lightly crushed cornflakes and put aside in a big bowl
  • Cook sugar, butter and honey in low fire till sugar are dissolved
  • Pour into the cornflakes and mix till evenly coated
  • scoop into paper cups
  • Bake for 15min at 180°C

Foodnote: This is another easy kuih to make for Hari Raya. This year I just let my niece do this and tadaaa... 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Jemput-Jemput Pisang

3 ripe bananas
1 cup self-raising flour (or 1 cup of plain flour + 2 tsp baking powder)
2 tsp sugar (optional)
pinch of salt
vegetable oil for frying

  • mash bananas then add flour, sugar and salt
  • scoop about a teaspoon or tablespoon (up to you) and deep fry in pre-heated oil till dark golden brown

Foodnote: That's all. Simple and good and soft and yummy. If the bananas are still slightly firm, I also like to just cut it up (dice) and mix with the batter. It will be very nice when you bite into soft juicy bananas... ooh la la... 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Layang-Layang / Kuih Tiram / Lidah Buaya

1kg flour
about 700ml boiling hot water
0.5 tsp of salt
200g tapioca starch flour
vegetable oil (for paste and deep frying)
cinnamon powder
caster sugar

  • combine starch with enough oil to form a thin paste and put aside
  • in another bowl add hot boiling water to flour... use wooden spoon to combine mixture till warm enough to knead with hands.
  • divide dough into 16 equal portions
  • roll dough out thinly and brush starch paste over it
  • slowly and tightly roll the dough and put aside
  • cut dough into about 1cm strip and roll over again each strip to flatten it
  • deep fry till golden and crispy and put aside
  • at this stage, the kueh can be eaten as is or coated with sugar
  • to coat with sugar, mix caster sugar and a dash of cinnamon powder in a bowl
  • pour cooled fried kueh layang-layang into bowl and stir till all kuehs have been coated evenly
  • packed in container and ready to krak kruk krak kruk

We call it kueh layang-layang but it is also known as kueh tiram. Mum used to coat it with sugar (cook sugar with a bit of water till it boils and slightly thicken... pour fried kueh layang2 and stir till sugar is thoroughly coated). I did a shortcut by just using caster sugar with cinnamon powder to make it less sweet. Mum's recipe is so easy and I'm glad I mastered it lalalalala....

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Keciputan / Cipotan / Kuih Buah Rotan

8 large eggs
1 cup sugar
500g glutinous rice flour
500g sesame seeds
oil for deep frying

  • beat eggs and sugar until all sugar are dissolved
  • fold in glutinous rice flour 
  • consistency should be a bit soft but can be moulded and sesame is able to stick to it
  • form very small balls about the size of smallest finger nails? and drop it into sesame
  • scoop balls covered in sesame from time to time and portion out quantities into plates for easy frying later
  • deep fry in hot oil until golden and crispy

A must have for Hari Raya, this is my mum specialty. Her kueh ciputan or what others called kueh buah rotan is nice and crispy. Recipe is very simple and hardly can go wrong. Only thing troublesome is forming the gooey dough into small balls as it will stick to your palm and drip between the fingers haha. Still a favorite in my family and I am going to keep the tradition alive.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Baulu Asli

10 eggs
400g fine sugar
250g all purpose flour
0.5 tsp vanilla

  • preheat baulu brass mould filled with oil in oven at 200°C
  • using mixer blend eggs, sugar and vanilla till stiff in a large bowl
  • add flour and fold till combined
  • remove baulu mould from oven and pour out oil leaving only traces
  • scoop spoonful into each mould
  • bake for about 8-10 mins until golden brown
  • use satay stick to release cooked baulu
  • before filling the mould for the next batch, oil it first (I wrap kitchen paper on chopstick and soak it in oil. Make it easy to wipe the mould)
  • for baulu to last longer, warm sugar and flour for a while in oven at low temperature
  • mould must be pre-heat with oil to ensure batter don't stick to it
  • to clean the mould, leave tamarind juice overnight... pour out the juice and rinse with water. Leave the mould in the pre-heated oven for a while just so all the water evaporated. Pour oil to heat and ready to use. This is also supposed to help so that the baulu don't stick to the mould.

This baulu is soft with slight crisp outer after baking.... not the dry crispy type that would need baking soda. Very nice to eat fresh from the oven with some jam. Reminds me of baulu cake that mum used to buy for me back in primary school. I'm so nostalgic...
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