Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mee Goreng Basah

(estimated according to taste)
yellow hokkien noodle (washed and soaked)
500g prawns
2 pcs of fish cakes
1 large onions
2 garlics
1 cup of chilli paste
sawi or chinese mustard green
vegetable oil
chilli sauce
tomato sauce
dark soya sauce
oyster sauce
knorr chicken cube
sugar & salt to taste
some oil for frying
optional: fresh tomatoes, fried shallots, parsley (daun sup), chillies, fried egg etc.

  • fry onion and garlic until fragrant
  • add in chilli paste and fry in slow fire until really cooked
  • add in the prawns and fish cakes
  • at this point, add more water if wet mee goreng consistency is desired
  • add in all the sauces, sugar, chicken cube until boiling (taste the paste)
  • add in noodles and once the noodles are almost done, add in sawi and tomatoes
  • stir a bit and immediately turn off the heat and enjoy nom nom nom

I prefer my noodles moist and eaten with fried egg on the side sprinkled with fried shallots and chopped chilli padi

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