Friday, May 1, 2015

Bone Steak

2kg mutton marrow & knuckle bones
0.5kg mutton
1 packet of Adabi sup bunjut
1 packet of "tulang merah" spice (S$1.50)
onion + garlic + ginger + chilli grind to a paste
tomato puree
salt and sugar to taste
optional: chopped cabbage/cubed carrot/green peas

  • boil mutton bone and meat. During boiling, impurities will surface. Scoop and discard as much as possible. Lower the heat and boil for 2 hours until meat is soft and tender. Leave aside...
  • cook paste in enough oil till fragrant
  • add only the meat and bones to paste followed by salt, sugar and pepper to taste
  • add broth from boiling the bones earlier and adjust consistency (should be slightly thick like curry)
  • boil for a while till paste seeped through meat.
  • once cooked, stir in eggs and other additional ingredients as desired.
  • to be served hot and eaten with bread (preferably french loaf)

Also known as Tulang Merah from the deep red coloring that the hawker usually added that will leave your fingers, lips and tongue bright red. I am not a fan of the red coloring so I will gladly leave it out. I bought the mutton and spice from Tekkah market because the bone have more meat on it and I can cook it till it is so soft and tender. Always nice to make your own favorite food and know what ingredients goes into it.

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