Monday, May 3, 2021

Danish Pastries

200g plain flour
3g salt
16g caster sugar
1g crusty bread improver
16g butter
3g low sugar yeast
20g eggs
92g chilled water

100g roll in pastry butter sheet

Prepare pastry butter sheet
  • wrap butter in parchment paper to form a square shape approximately 15cm
  • roll the butter flat to fill the square shape and put in chiller
Prepare dough
  • in a mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients together
  • using low speed, add in the water, egg and butter
  • stop when dough is formed (cleaning up stage) 
Pastry assemby (French wrap)
  • on a generously floured working area, roll dough out to form a squarish shape double the size of butter
  • take out the butter sheet and place it in the middle of the dough (45° rotate) so that there are triangle dough flap to fold over the butter
  • seal the dough edges over the butter, wrap in clingwrap and keep in chiller for minimum 10min or more
  • 1st quad (2 x 4 = 8 layers): generously flour working surface and place dough. Flour surface of dough so that it don't stick to working surface or rolling pin. Roll out dough from the centre outwards to 20cm width and about 50cm length (about 0.3 - 0.5mm thickness). Before folding, dust away excess flour from dough. Fold in about 2-3 fingers in (short side) and fold the other wide in to meet the folded edge. Fold the dough again to form a small rectangle (earlier folded side in and making sure smooth side is always facing up. Cover with clingwrap and keep in fridge again to relax the dough
  • 2nd quad (8 x 4 = 32 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for mininum 10min
  • 3rd quad (32 x 4 = 128 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min
  • 4th quad (32 x 4 = 512 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min till ready to use
  • roll out dough to have surface area of 20cm x 24 cm at 0.3 - 0.5mm
  • using ruler to guide, mark to form sizes required and start shaping
  • place pastry on parchment paper, spray with water and proof for 45min
  • brush the pastry with egg wash and bake at 210°C for 7min and 180°C for 13min

Custard Claws
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • place custard in the middle, brush edges with water/egg and press to seal
  • make small cut at the top for steam to escape and cut ends to create "claw" like design
  • egg wash and topped with almond flakes for decorations before baking

Apple Squares
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • fold edges to the centre and press down to maintain shape
  • egg wash before baking
  • after baking, fill with custard and topped with apple fillings

Pain Au Chocolate
  • cut 10cm x 14cm pastry (short edge depends on length size of chocolate bar)
  • place 1 baking chocolate bar on one edge, roll over the dough, place another bar of chocolate and roll again
  • brush water at the end of edges to seal
  • egg wash before baking
  • garnish with apricot gel or snow powder

  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • fold across and align... make a cut (0.5mm along open side leaving a about 6mm uncut
  • open the pastry and criss cross the cut strips and seal down with egg wash
  • using a fork, make holes in the middle so that it won't puffed up
  • egg wash sides before baking
  • after baking, fill with custard and topped with peach or other fruits
  • glaze with neutral mirror gel and snow powder for better presentation

Sugar Cinnamon Palmiers (from leftovers)
  • arrange leftovers to keep layers and roll flat to form a rectangular shape
  • brush with eggs and generously put course sugar and cinnamon
  • roll from both sides to the middle
  • cut into 8mm thickness and bake till golden brown

Cinnamon Twist (from leftovers)
  • arrange leftovers to keep layers and roll flat to form a rectangular shape
  • brush with butter and spread course sugar and cinnamon powder
  • cut into 1-2cm strips
  • take 2 strips together and twist to create the shape
  • bake till golden brown

Cinnamon Rolls
  • roll down to 4mm thickness
  • cut out size 25mm
  • spread with jam and raisins
  • roll up and place in baking tin
  • after baking, drizzle with sugar glaze

Danish Purses
  • roll dough to less than 5mm thickness
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • place custard/chocolate fillings in center
  • fold 2 opposites corners over the middle and press down to seal
  • after baking, drizzle with snow powder

Fruits & Custards Swirls
  • cut 15cm x 15cm square
  • spread custard dough and sprinkle desired fruits (eg. mix fruits, sultana or raisins)
  • roll up dough and seal end with water or egg wash
  • cut into pieces and rest on cut side
  • egg wash the pastry and after baking, drizzle with fondant glaze or sprinkle with snow powder

Sultana Danish
  • cut into 15cm x 15cm pastry and rest dough
  • sprinkle with jam and sprinkle with raisins
  • roll into a spiral and cut about 1cm
  • after baking, drizzle with sugar glaze or dust with snow powder

Instant Custard Filling
100g full cream milk/water
35g instant custard powder
  • using a mixer, whisk at low speed till combine
  • mix at medium speed for about 5min till thicken and ready to use

Apple Filling
63g tinned apples (cubed)
10g sugar
4g instant modified starch
  • mix the apples with sugar and let it sit a while so that water will seeped through from the apples
  • add in the modified starch and mix until mixture is clear
  • adjust with water if necessary

Glaze Garnish
70g apricot gel
30g water
  • combine both ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil
  • use brush to apply on the pastry
  • use while still hot and reheat if mixture thickens

Fondant Glaze
100g icing sugar
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • in a bowl place sugar and slowly stir in milk and vanilla a little at a time until a smooth pourable consistency glaze is formed

Foodnote: I didn't really do the last 4 danish pastries. Will I be doing danish pastries at home? Eerrrr hhhmmmmm.... yeah maybe one day.
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