Sunday, January 2, 2022

Kueh Bakar Berlauk

meat fillings
ground meat (chicken, beef or mutton)
chicken cube
curry powder
salt to taste

  • cook the meat in little oil and put side
  • sautee onion, garlic and ginger till fragrant
  • add chicken cube, curry powder and mix in the meat
  • add salt to taste and put aside to cool

kueh batter
200g plain flour
800ml coconut milk (350ml Kara coconut cream + 450ml water)
2 tsp salt
yellow coloring
3 eggs

  • blend together all the ingredients till all are evenly mix
  • pour into measuring cups for easy pouring

cut chilli
chopped chinese celery (daun sup) + fried shallots

  • season the mould by filling it with oil and cook for a while
  • pour out the oil and clean... but don't use soap
  • heat the mould using low heat on a stove (lined the bottom with grills to stablize the mould)
  • generously pour oil on all the sections
  • pour the batter into each sections, top with meat fillings, chilli and sprinkle with daun sup and fried shallots
  • pour oil generously again and cover the mould with any pot cover
  • once cooked, use a skewer or satay stick to remove the kueh2

Foodnote: Another kueh that I love to eat because it is savory. It reminds me of takoyaki. Need to get the mould first hehe. The kuih bakar berlauk is soft after cool down. Really yummy. Love this one.

Finally tried making this at home. Bought the mold but it is not seasoned well enough so the batter sticks to it ggrrrr. So just use my obanyaki mold. Really yum yum. Very happy and will make this more often.

Putri Salat Durian

bottom layer
550g glutinous rice (soak 45min and strain)
100g white coconut (optional)
420ml coconut milk (150ml Kara coconut cream + 270ml water)
2 tsp salt

  • prepare 10x10 tray generously oiled and base lined with 1/2 aluminium foil
  • mix coconut milk, salt and glutinous rice
  • steam for 30min or till cooked
  • press down the glutinous rice to slightly compact it (can use parchment paper or flat base of mug)

custard topping/serikaya
240g sugar
600ml coconut milk (350ml Kara coconut cream + 250ml water)
60g flour
7 eggs
yellow coloring
200g durian pulp

  • mix all ingredients in a blender and whisk only for a while till all ingredients mix well
  • cook on very low heat till warm/steaming
  • add in blended durian pulp and cook till slightly thick in consistency (not too long or it will start to curdle)
  • pour custard over the glutinous rice and steam for 45min
  • remove from steamer and let it cool down till any moisture on the custard evaporate on its own
  • once kueh is fully cooled (the sides start to detach from the tray) using a plastic knife loosen the sides
  • place a bigger tray over the top and swiftly turn the tray upside down so that the glutinous rice side is above
  • remove the aluminium foil and place a plastic sheet over it
  • using the bigger tray, use the same technique to flip over the kueh
  • cut the kueh using plastic baking knife

Foodnote: From potluck session, ended up learning to make this durian putri salat which are really awesomeness. Same recipe can be used to make the common putri salad... just replace the green coloring with pandan juice/paste. Will try that soon. Love the soft glutinuous rice and the custard is just so smooth and yummy. The recipe is also straightforward and easy. Thanks to the good chef for all the great tips.
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