Friday, December 9, 2022

My Cousin's Prata Style Roti

2/3 atta flour
1/3 plain flour
pinch of salt
vegetable oil

  • mix both flour together in a bowl and add in salt
  • add water till a soft dough is formed
  • rest dough for 1hr or leave it in the fridge till ready to cook
  • when ready to cook, pre-heat flat pan or non-stick pan on low heat
  • round dough into a ball and flatten it on a lightly floured work station
  • put vegetable oil on the surface of the flatten dough
  • roll the dough and roll spiral (as picture)
  • roll the dough again to flatten as thin as possible
  • cook on pan with oil just like a prata

Foodnote: When I went to KL after a work trip, my cousin cooked this for me (besides the yummy pakistani briyani). It is easy to make and very nice. Her pakistani husband taught her to make it and my cousin, the brother... insisted that she cooked it for me. It is just like a combination of chapati and prata. We ate with mince meat but I am sure it will be nice with curry or keema. Now... need to go and buy atta flour. 
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