Saturday, August 17, 2024

Easiest Baguette

950g bread flour
16g salt
2g yeast
730ml water

Half amount with sourdough (KIV for future experimentation)
455g bread flour
8g salt
40g sourdough starter
345g water
diastatic malt

  • mix all ingredients together till well combined
  • cover the bowl and leave it for 8-10 hours (can keep in the oven)
  • generously flour working surface (to avoid sticking) and transfer dough
  • divide into 4 equal parts
  • take each piece and stretch it gently into baguette shape
  • place in baking tray with parchment paper or baguette tray
  • bake in a pre-heated oven 250°C for approx 25min till golden brown

Foodnote: Saw this recipe so obviously must try. Most of the baguette recipe I tried is a bit tedious or have long list of ingredients. I am constantly searching for the most basic recipe out there. 

I tried with half of the recipe. Mixed the ingredients at 9pm at night and bake it at 7am the next day. I thought it wouldn't yield so much dough and use my 2.35 litre pyrex bowl with cover. Around 3am woke up and discovered that the cover pops and there's a bit of overflow. Quickly replace with a wok cover instead hehe.

475g prima bread flour
8g salt
1g instant SAF yeast
365g bottled filter water

Used the non-stick baguette tray and after shaping (which is basically just lightly stretching it into longish shape) sprayed the surface generously with water before popping it into the oven. Baked the bread at 240°C for 25min. Smell good while baking in the oven. Amazing that the crinkle dough puffed up into smooth crispy baguette yippee!!!

Going to try using sourdough and also add diastatic malt to make the crumbs softer. Find this a bit chewy but nice & crispy when toasted. 

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