Sunday, February 14, 2016

Fudgy Pecan Brownies

140g butter at room temperature
200g melted semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup fine sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 eggs
1 tsp liquid coffee/expresso (optional)
2/3 cup plain flour
0.5 cup chopped pecan
0.5 cup of chocolate chips

  • pre-heat oven to 160 celcius and prepare approx 8x8" pan lined with baking paper (spray or grease the paper with butter)
  • beat sugar and butter till well combined and add in eggs, vanilla and coffee
  • whisk in melted chocolate and fold in the rest of the dry ingredients but do not over mix so that brownie will be less cakey
  • pour into baking pan, levelled and drop the balance chocolate chips over it
  • bake for 40-45min till stick comes out clean
  • cool for 5mins before transferring on cooling to cool completely

It is valentine's day today... so that explains the colorful love sugar confetti hehe. Even though I don't celebrate valentine's day but I am so feeling loved aaawwww...

This brownie is so nice and fudgy and so chocolatey and so decadent and so sweet and oh so sinful. Good for that time of the month when I'm craving for chocolate. Would be nice to eat warm with a scoop of vanilla chocolate... ooh yummyyyy.

My niece love it. Very easy recipe.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Apam Wa Koh Kueh

240g cold rice
1.5 tbsp ragi (pounded to a fine powder)
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp water

140g caster sugar
400ml water
2 pandan leaves

300g rice flour
0.5 tbsp eno
colorings (optional)

steamed grated coconut
red sugar

  • prepare the tapai by mixing the ingredients together in a clean container. Cover the container and let it ferment for 3 days in a cool area
  • when tapai is ready, put aside 80g of it to use and keep the rest to make another batch later (if no plan to make more... just make half portion of the tapai)
  • prepare syrup by boiling ingreidents together till all sugar is dissolved, sieve if necessary and put aside to cool
  • once syrup is cooled, pour it into rice flour and combine together till batter is smooth and not lumpy
  • stir in tapai together, strain and leave for another 12 hours of fermentation in a covered bowl
  • prepare the steamer till water boils
  • add eno to the batter and divide to add different colorings if desired
  • scoop into papercups or any moulds and steam under high heat for 15mins
  • serve on its own or with grated coconut and red sugar

Been dying to make this.Just reminds me of childhood and pasar malam. Last time we thought it is called "ma ko keh". Looked around the internet for ages and finally found out it is called Wa Koh Kuih. Got this recipe here. This recipe is very traditional and takes few days to prepare.

By the way I bought the ragi (wine yeast) from Geylang market. I understand from a friend that you can also get it from an Indian shop.

Recipe is foolproof and the kueh is really yummy. Love the "Fatt Koh" which is the cracking on it. Will not shy away from putting more batter in the cup so that the crack will be more! My days of waiting is so worth it. Will make some more since I still have the tapai.

By the way, the tapai portion is enough for another 2 portion of kuih. If there are no plans of making this kueh again... just make half portion of the tapai is enough. I kept the balance in the fridge (almost exactly 160g) and make another batch few days later because just one portion is really not enough to share :)

Oh and also... fill the cup almost full so that the "explode" effect will be better!

DO NOT put extra eno... it will only harden the kueh instead of making it fluffier (learn my mistake hehe)

Oops ok one last tip... I added pandan leaves in the steamer so that the sweet smell of the kueh filled my kitchen. So nice...
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