Sunday, February 14, 2016

Fudgy Pecan Brownies

140g butter at room temperature
200g melted semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup fine sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 eggs
1 tsp liquid coffee/expresso (optional)
2/3 cup plain flour
0.5 cup chopped pecan
0.5 cup of chocolate chips

  • pre-heat oven to 160 celcius and prepare approx 8x8" pan lined with baking paper (spray or grease the paper with butter)
  • beat sugar and butter till well combined and add in eggs, vanilla and coffee
  • whisk in melted chocolate and fold in the rest of the dry ingredients but do not over mix so that brownie will be less cakey
  • pour into baking pan, levelled and drop the balance chocolate chips over it
  • bake for 40-45min till stick comes out clean
  • cool for 5mins before transferring on cooling to cool completely

It is valentine's day today... so that explains the colorful love sugar confetti hehe. Even though I don't celebrate valentine's day but I am so feeling loved aaawwww...

This brownie is so nice and fudgy and so chocolatey and so decadent and so sweet and oh so sinful. Good for that time of the month when I'm craving for chocolate. Would be nice to eat warm with a scoop of vanilla chocolate... ooh yummyyyy.

My niece love it. Very easy recipe.

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