Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Continental French Bread

Sour dough (prepare in advance)
424g Japanese bread flour
3g Saf yeast
500g water
5g sugar
In a bowl, mix all ingredients and let it ferment for at least 10hrs at room temperature.
The longer the fermentation, the sourish it gets.

637g Japanese bread flour
5g sugar
5tsp shortening
8g Saf yeast
140g cold ice water
22g salt

  • Prepare sourdough in advance or the night before
  • Combine flour, sugar & yeast in mixer bowl and mix well
  • Add in sourdough and water, knead for about 15min on low speed
  • Add salt and continue mixing for approximately another 10-15min between speed 1 and 2 till 80% thin membrane is formed
  • Rest for 40min covered (can just cover with mixer bowl) at room temperature
  • Weigh and cut to 250g each (or divide equally to no of bread required), round it and let rest for another 10min
  • Roll and shape to french bread shape, place on non-greased tray or tray lined with parchment paper and let proof for 1 1/2 to 2 hours
  • Before baking, score the bread and pipe in shortening on the cut surface. This is to prevent the slit from closing back
  • Heat oven to 220°C with FAN and put bread in oven for 30sec
  • Take out the bread and spray generously with water (to make skin crispy) and bake for another 15min at 190°C
  • Lower temperature to 180°C and bake for another 10min or till bread is of desired color and sounds hollow when tapped
(4g of Bakerin Plus improver can be added to recipe and first resting time can be reduced to 15mins)

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