Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Dorayaki / Japanese Pancake

4 eggs
100g sugar
30g honey
2g vanilla extract
160g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
20ml milk/water

hazelnut spread or red bean paste

  • in a bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, vanilla and honey together
  • sieve flour and baking powder to the mixture and stir till evenly mixed
  • let the batter rest for 15min and after that mix in the water and stir till very liquid consistency
  • heat a non-stick pan on low heat, scoop the batter and pour slowly to form a round shape
  • when bubble started to form on the surface, flip the pancake and cook for another minute
  • spread the filling on each pancake and top with another pancake
  • slightly pinch the edges to close and ready to serve

Foodnote: Recipe actually calls for 10ml water which still makes the batter too thick. So I added more water. It is nice but maybe a bit dry. Honestly, I think using Apam Balik Power recipe is better. Just increase the baking powder to 1 1/2 tsp. Seriously will get soft fluffy pancake.

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