Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bazlama / Turkish Flat Bread

500g bread flour
160g warm milk
160g warm water
10g instant yeast
10g sugar
8g salt
18g olive oil

wash: melted butter + crushed red pepper + chopped parsley/spring onion

  • in a large bowl, mix warm water and milk together and add in sugar and yeast
  • stir till yeast and sugar dissolve then add flour and salt
  • mix till all liquid have been absorbed then add in olive oil and salt
  • knead till all comes together, round and rub oil over the dough
  • cover the bowl and rest the dough till double in size (about 1hr)
  • divide into 6pcs and round each dough
  • cover with clingwrap to prevent from drying
  • in the meantime pre-heat a non-stick pan on medium heat
  • lightly flour one dough and roll flat
  • grill the flat bread without oil on both sides till puffy and fully cooked

Foodnote: Recipe from here. Since my old oven is already acting up (the heat goes up so high suddenly) and I still want to bake bread... I ended up making flat bread. Just nice since my friend is going to make hummus so it will compliment with the Turkish flat bread. I tried making just to see the portion and it turns out nice and soft. I ate with curry mince beef loaded with lots of carrots and potatoes. Yummeh... 

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