Friday, April 29, 2022

Tart Nenas Daun (2022)

½ cup butter (340g and I use Lurpak salted)
2 tbsp ghee
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence (I use vanilla butter)
500g plain flour
1 egg
2 tbsp cold water

pineapple paste filling

  • scoop 1 tsp of pineapple paste and form balls with a lightly oiled teaspoon and put aside or keep in fridge
  • in a large bowl mix together butter, ghee and sugar with a spatula followed by vanilla till smooth and even
  • add the flour bit by bit and mix by hand
  • in a separate small bowl mix egg with cold water
  • add the egg mixture to the dough and mix again till the texture can be shaped (do not over mix)
  • take 1 tbsp of dough and form a bowl... fill with pineapple fillings and cover to form sort of a teardrop/leaf shape
  • using a makmur pincher, create the vein of a leaf (will get about 35-36pcs)
  • once all ready, brush the surface of each leaf with egg yolk (+ a bit of yellow colouring)
  • bake at 180ºC for 20min

Foodnote: Initially I wanted to make the usual tart with the love borders but then I came across this tart that looks like makmur. So I tried this recipe instead since it looks easy, I have all the ingredients and I am not making makmur this year. This is a traditional old school pineapple tart that people hardly make anymore. Since I am an ol skool person... so hey why not make this for 2022!

The recipe is good... the ingredients is quite spot on just like the video. Next time I will flatten the leaf more. Overall love this recipe.

For the pineapple filling, I actually use ready made. Bought Singlong brand and cook it again adding in a bit more orange coloring (because I find it too pale) and also cinnamon powder. Add a bit of water and cook till the paste don't stick to the pan. I let it cool down and keep in the fridge before using. There's a lot of paste left... enough to make another batch for Hari Raya Haji hehe.

Update 13 April 2023: Using the recipe to make open pineapple tart with "love mould", filling is about 1/2 tsp and baking is 165°C for 12min.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Sea Salt Caramel / Butterscotch Chip Cookies


250g soften butter
1 1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
2 1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 cup corn flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
6 tbsp oil
2 cups any choc chips (1 packet)
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
50g almond nips/flakes

  • using a mixer, beat butter, sugar, egg and vanilla together until pale
  • mix in flour, corn flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda and oil in until fully incorporated
  • finally add in chocolate chips and nuts 
  • transfer to a clean bowl with cover or cover with clingwrap and leave in the fridge for minimum 30mins (best to keep for 3 days before baking)
  • scoop cookie dough onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper
  • bake at 180°C for 10-12min 

Foodnote: This is actually adapted from Famous Amos cookie dough recipe that has been floating online. Since I have sea salt caramel chips, just substitute the chocolate chips with it. Initially I am not very confident of the cookies. But the taste ooohlala... and the crispiness... really is very much Famous Amos. Not sure is it because of the sea salt caramel baking chips that makes the taste so wonderful but this cookie is really tasty!! #sedapgiler

Update 23rd April 2022: Made 2 batches this time. Shape it into small mount and it just spread nicely. Very yummy and I will probably stick to this recipe for every Hari Raya.

Update 13th April 2023: Made 2 batches. One with butterscotch chips and another with sea salt caramel chips and almonds. This time I am going to keep it for few days in the fridge before baking. I put the batter in the same container split by parchment paper to save space,
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