Saturday, August 20, 2022

Martabak Manis

250g all purpose flour
40g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
300ml water
1 egg

50ml water
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate soda

Toppings of choice: shredded cheese, rice chocolates, nuts, condensed milk etc.

  • mix flour, sugar and salt in a bowl
  • whisk in the water (300ml) bit by bit till batter is smooth
  • add in egg and whisk again till even
  • cover and let it sit for 1 hour and put aside
  • After one hour... in a small bowl with 50ml water, add baking powder and baking soda
  • mix the solution (it should be bubbly) and add to the flour batter
  • preheat the apam balik pan or non-stick pan (heat should be low)
  • pour in the batter and cook till bubbles/holes forms then sprinkle with sugar
  • cover the pan and cook till top is fully cooked and remove from pan
  • brush surface with butter, and add toppings... cut into two and fold
  • brush the top with butter to keep it soft and moist

Foodnote: First time I tried martabak manis it is just so so. But the other day I tried a famous one at Funan and it is quite nice. So now trying to make my own since it looks easy enough. Recipe is from here. Turns out very good and soft. The pancake itself is not very sweet so the sweetness will come from the fillings or sprinkle of sugar while cooking. Love this! No need to buy hehe.

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