Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cookie Press Shortbread

2 cups butter
5 cups flour
1 cup corn flour
1 cup caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp cocoa powder (optional)

  • cream butter, sugar and vanilla until smooth with electric mixer
  • stir in both flour
  • pop dough in into cookie press using desired shape
  • I split dough to 2 portions... and replace 3 tbsp of flour with cocoa powder to one portion
  • - wrap the cocoa dough with the white one then press
  • I bake for 13 mins in preheated oven at about 165-175 degrees C
chill the dough for a short while so that it is easier to press

As usual, mum used to make cookies using the cookie press when I was little. She lend the press to friends and relatives and it broke. Came across a smiliar press in Kluang for RM15.90 so I got it lah. Usually the new ones are made in plastic. Not sure if this is the same ingredients mum made... but this will do lah because it is easy. Mum likes it a lot too as it is not sweet.

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