Sunday, August 16, 2015

Kueh Bakar Labu

1kg pumpkin
1kg/4 cups fresh coconut milk
3 cups plain flour
3 cups caster sugar
5 eggs

  • cut pumpkin into smaller pieces and boil with a pinch of salt for about 20mins till soft
  • remove skin and pulp the flesh
  • add flour, caster sugar and egg
  • finally combine coconut milk
  • scoop into tray or muffin tin and bake in high heat (175 degrees C) till edges browned
Choose ripe pumpkin with orange or even skin that looked dried up on the surface.

I was taught how to make this by my good friend Jerry before he went away to Chicago boo hoo hoo. The kueh was made in silicon tray as well as muffin tray. The one in silocon tray came out nice and soft while the one in muffin tray came with more brown edges and crispier. This is sooooo yummy that I can't stop eating. Will definitely be looking out to buy another silicon tray.

Next time, I will sprinkle cinnamon powder once the kueh are baked. Bet it will be awesome!

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