Thursday, December 29, 2016

Air Kunyit Asam

1.5 cups fresh tumeric (kunyit)
2 tbsp or more tamarind juice (I use Adabi Xtra)
a pinch of salt
1 litre or so? water

  • peel tumeric and slice thinly
  • put everything (except honey) in a pot and bring to a boil
  • once cooled, use a sieve to remove the tumeric and keep the drink in bottles
  • store in fridge
  • to drink, pour half in a glass of water and top up with hot water
  • add honey or syrup to taste

I first had my first "jamu kunyir asem" while on holiday in Semarang Indonesia. It was quite refreshing to drink in the morning and I read lots of good health benefits for women. I made a bottle when I was back from my trip and that's it. Recently a friend gave me lots of fresh tumeric that he planted himself. So as not to let it go to waste, I made the jamu again. Now I have enough stock for 2 weeks. Now... what shall I do with the remaining tumeric?

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