Monday, December 5, 2016

Jemput-Jemput Bawang

1 large onion
1 red chili
1 cili padi (optional)
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup ikan bilis
a pinch of salt
1 cup of warm water or more

  • heat oil in a wok or pan
  • slice onion, red chilli and cili padi in a bowl
  • add the rest of the ingredients
  • consistency would be thick watery paste
  • scoop spoonful of batter and deep fry till golden and crispy

Comfort food! I love anything hot, crispy and spicy. Cannot eat too often but I can finish everyhing at one sitting. Nice to eat with chilli sauce or sambal tumis yum yum.

Another alternative to have soft on the inside and crispy on the outside jemput2 is to use hot boiling water when mixing the batter.

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