Wednesday, February 8, 2017

White Bread

Group A
400g bread flour
24g sugar
8g milk powder
2g bread improver
6g yeast

Group B
240g water

Group C
6g salt
24g butter

  • mix Group A together by whisking or on low speed for 1min using dough hook
  • add Group B using low speed for 2mins
  • add Group C using low speed for 1min and medium speed for about 10mins till dough is shiny, elastic and thin membrane is formed
  • round and rest dough for 10min
  • weigh dough and divide equally into 2 parts
  • round each dough, cover in cling wrap and rest for 10mins
  • oil working table and roll out dough (punch the air out) into rectangular shape
  • roll tightly and pinch dough forward on 'ugly' side
  • cut the roll into four and arrange into oiled baking tin (including the lid if using it) for sandwich loaf or just put whole dough into the loaf tin for open top
  • proof for about 1 hour (put in oven that is not turn on together with a bowl of steaming hot water) until the dough is about 90% proofed
  • preheat oven at 170 degree celcius for 10-15mins (top bottom heat with fan)
  • place loaf tin on tray to hold any oil that may drip out from the loaf tin
  • use lower rack and if baking 2 loaves, leave a space between them
  • bake open top for 30mins or sandwich loaf for 35mins
  • remove from baking tin (inside temperature of bread should be about 97°C) and cool on a rack for about 30mins before serving

Got this recipe from the chef... so I tried it out. So soft and of course yummy... but the flour used is only 400g vs 500g for milk loaf. So my bread doesn't fill up the covered bread tin. Next time, I will just bake this as open top instead. Still it is super soft and I have bread for my lunch tomorrow.. yeaahh!

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