Monday, February 19, 2018

Roti Boyan

500g non-bleached wheat flour
1/4 cup cooking oil
pinch salt
hot water + cool water

fillings (not feelings ah)
500g potatoes (boiled, peeled and lightly mashed)
1 large diced onion
chopped chilli (optional... mum never include)
chopped Chinese parsley (daun bawang) and/or scallion
2 eggs
black pepper
pinch salt
cooked minced meat (optional)

oil for frying

  • for dough, same as epok2. Mix flour with oil then add hot water and salt
  • let it form a soft dough (adjust with cold water) and put it aside covered for 30mins
  • then divide the dough to form small balls (tennis ball size)
  • for the fillings (not feelings) combine everything and mix well
  • then take each dough, roll and flatten it into round shape (prepare 2 pcs)
  • top one with the fillings (not feelings hehe) and top/cover with another layer of dough
  • pinch the edges like epok2
  • fry in hot oil (but not too hot) take your time because the longer you fry, the crispier the dough will be... yum yummm
  • tadaaaa... roti boyan seeeh

Foodnote: If you want to freeze the roti boyan for future consumption, fry it a bit until the dough is a bit pale. Cool down the roti boyan and cover with plastic or put in container before freezing. That is what I did to my roti boyan in the pic. 

My mum used to make giant ones. This is the biggest I can make. I put lots of fillings (not feelings eh got lah... feelings of love ekekeke). This is nice to eat with sambal tumis... but when I was young, I just ate it with chilli sauce hehe.

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