Monday, October 2, 2017

Kueh Dadar (Gulung/Ketayap)

Pancake Ingredients
2 cups flour
1 cup fresh milk/evaporated milk
3/4 or 1 cup of water
1 egg
1 tsp salt
green/yellow coloring
1/2 tsp koepoe pandan flavor (optional)

Filling Ingredients
4 cups grated coconut
approx. 1 1/2 cups gula melaka
1 tsp salt
2 knotted screwpine leaves

  • prepare the fillings first by cooking everything in a pan till gula melaka have melted
  • leave to cool and put aside
  • blend pancake ingredients in blender or you can also whisk the ingredients together and then sieve to remove any lumps
  • heat non-stick pan with a bit of oil, scoop batter and spread it around the pan
  • when batter looks look, quickly turn it to the other side... don't leave it till brown
  • wrap the kueh with the fillings like making popiah (just google for steps lah)

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