Sunday, October 7, 2018

Puff Pastry

Puff Pastry Base
Group A
400g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
75g unsalted butter (cold)

Group B
175g cold water

Group C
250g pastry margarine (put in plastic bag and flattened evenly before putting in the fridge)

  • in a big bowl, mix flour and salt and add butter... use fingertips and gently create crumbs
  • transfer crumb mixture into mixing bowl with the hook attachment and turn speed 2 adding water and slowly add water slowly around the bowl
  • after water is absorbed by flour, turn to speed 3 till dough reach "clean up stage" (dough leaves the side of the bowl and form a ball. Note that it won't have smooth texture)
  • transfer dough into cutting mat and roll and squeeze with hands until you get a smooth and even texture
  • roll out dough slightly bigger than the pastry margarine sheet (1cm excess)
  • eg. if the size of margarine is 15x10cm... size of pastry should be 31x11cm so that pastry can be folded to cover the margarine
  • fold in margarine and repeat 4 times. The process must be same eg. gatefold from the top down, bottom up and opening side on the right << considered one time (size is not important)
  • rest the dough for 15min in the fridge before cutting and shaping
  • roll rested dough into 20cm length and from there approximately divide out into 8 pieces
  • shape accordingly with fillings and glaze exposed pastry with egg yolk
  •  and bake at 180°C for 20mins using fan mode
  • reduce to 170°C and bake for another 10min

Chicken Pie Filling
150g potato cubes
35g carrot cubes
1 chicken cube
(boil the above ingredients till potatoes and carrot are fully cooked)
20g butter or corn oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 chopped onion
300g chicken cube
50g button mushrooms cut small pieces
120g full cream milk
30g plain flour
1/4 tsp paprika (for color and taste)
1/4 tsp parsley flakes
1/4 tsp oregano
pinch of black/white pepper

  • fry onion and garlic till fragrant
  • add chicken and cook till chicken turn white
  • add milk till bubbly and thick then add flour 
  • add the rest of the ingredients and cook till creamy

Cream Cheese Filling
225g cream cheese
75g caster sugar
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

  • just mix all ingredients till fully combined... that's all

Foodnote: Another class that I attended. I am more so interested in making fruit tarts. The pastry turns out yummy. My niece ate almost all of it. I am so happy and love the class. Hope to attend more classes. Must find a time to practice all my bakes on weekend first.
  1. Chicken Pie
  2. Open Top Chicken Pie
  3. Tuna Puff
  4. Nutella Chocolate Chip
  5. Apricot Custard Puff
  6. Peach and Cream Cheese Diamond Puff
  7. Strawberry Custard Pinwheel Puff

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