Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Crispy Apam Balik

200g all-purpose flour
100g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 large egg
100g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
200ml water

roasted ground peanut
sweet corn

  • sieve all-purpose flour, rice flour, baking powder, and baking soda and put aside
  • whisk egg and sugar and add the rest of the ingredients till thick batter is formed
  • cover the bowl with cling wrap and put aside for 1-3hours
  • heat the pancake pan with oil, scoop the batter and spread thinly
  • sprinkle sugar and leave until the top looks cook (dry) and bubbly
  • spread the roasted peanut, drop some butter and sweet corn
  • leave till the edges turn golden
  • fold the pancake into 2 and put on a wire rack to cool

Foodnote: Since I still have sweet corn and peanut leftovers, decided to try a crispy apam balik recipe. The batter is very gooey and I think I made it too thick. It was ok. Once cooled it is not so crispy. Not easy to spread on the pan though. Maybe need more liquid? Nice to eat and don't mind trying one more time.

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