Monday, January 20, 2020

Nino's Taiwanese Pineapple Cake/Tart

Inspiration copied from youtube Nino's Home

Pineapple Jam
500g grated pineapple
25g malt syrup
40g sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon powder

(all ingredients at room temperature)
100g unsalted butter
20g cream cheese
45g powdered sugar
2 egg yolks
150g all purpose flour
20g custard powder

  • for the fillings: cook together on slow fire till it comes together and not sticking to the pan and leave to cool
  • whisk butter, cream cheese and sugar till combines
  • add egg yolk and combine lightly
  • add in the flour and combine using spatula and use hand when dough is coming together
  • cover in clingwrap and keep dough in fridge for 40min
  • shape and fill the tart (20g dough + 8g jam)
  • bake at 175°C for 15min

Foodnote: I am very impressed with this recipe. It turns out very nice. I use wheat flour so I have to add a bit more for the dough to form. I tried using a jelly mold in the shape of pineapple but it sticks so I just shape it manually. My niece says it is very nice too and took some to give to her colleague. I feel so touched. I used leftover jam from pineapple tart. Next time will either try to make my own. I will also brush with egg yolk to make the color pops better?

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