Saturday, June 27, 2020

Chinese Flaky Pastry

Outer Pastry
280g plain flour
100g shortening or butter
1g salt
150ml water
50g castor sugar
a drop of pink coloring (optional)

Inner Pastry
200g low protein flour (cake flour)
100g shortening or butter

outer dough
  • in a bowl rub in plain flour, shortening and salt with fingers till crumbly
  • in another bowl mix water, castor sugar and coloring till sugar dissolve
  • add 60% of water mixture to the flour mixture
  • mix well till dough is formed and add another 20% of water followed by another 20%
  • dough will be sticky.... transfer to work surface and rum/knead till elastic dough is formed and everything comes together
  • rest the dough in a bowl covered with clingwrap for 20min
  • after 20min, divide into 24 equal parts (24g each) and round into balls
inner dough
  • mix the flour and shortening till a soft dough is formed
  • divide into 24 equal parts (12g each) and round each into balls
pastry preparation
  • flatten the outer dough and place the inner dough in the centre and wrap/seal into balls
  • roll each dough into long strip with thinner along the top and bottom
  • roll from the bottom upwards to form like a cigarette shape and finish the rest
  • take each dough again, flowly just roll slighly only and roll to form a snail like roll
  • complete the rest and put aside
  • this is now ready for various types of flaky pastries

Chrysanthemum Crisp
Fillings to make 8pcs
100g red bean paste
4 red glaced cherries (cut each into halves)
egg yolk glaze

  • divide each red bean paste into 12g each and formed into balls
  • roll pastry dough (from top... down) about 2mm thick, place a portion of red bean in the centre and seal
  • place the sealed part facing down and flatten with a rolling pin again to about 15mm thick
  • using a sharp knife, firstly cut 4 sections like petals... each section cut into 3 so that you get total 12 petals
  • twist each petals 90° facing upwards
  • using a spatula or scraper, transfer to baking tray
  • brush with egg yolk and garnish with half cherry in the centre of the flower
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Winter Melon Crisp or Wife Bisuit
Fillings to make 8pcs
90g candy melon (chopped into small cubes)
24g instant custard
15g roasted white sesame seeds
3g roasted sesame seeds
40ml water
5ml oil

  • combine candy melon, instant custard, black and white sesame seeds in a bowl
  • add in the mixture of water and oil and mix well till all ingredients come together
  • using a glove for easier handling, divide into 8 portions (20g each) and round into balls
  • roll pastry dough and fill with candy melon filling
  • place on baking tray with sealed side down
  • using the base of your palm, flatten firmly to about 1cm thickness
  • with a sharp knife, run/cut through the middle of the dough slightly
  • brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with black sesame seeds
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Century Egg Puff
Fillings to make 8pcs
1 century egg (cut into 8pcs)
160g red bean or lotus paste

  • divide each red bean paste into 10g each and formed into balls
  • roll pastry dough about 2mm thick
  • place the a century egg in the middle and 2 red bean/lotus paste by the side of the century egg
  • fold the pastry skin upwards and seal the edges together (like curry puff)
  • turn over so that the base will be the top to look like lemon
  • brush with egg yolk and using a fork, run through the top to form lines
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Foodnote: I was looking forward to the opening of baking class again and am happy that finally the time comes. To observe social distancing, the class is very small and we bake individually. Love the chinese patries as I'm not usually a pastry person. Will definitely try to make at home to share with family.

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