Saturday, July 4, 2020

Flaky Pastry Egg Custard

Outer dough
160g medium protein flour (plain flour)
12g milk powder
13g sugar
40g butter
25g egg
80g water

Inner dough
150g low protein flour (cake flour)
150g shortening
80g butter

Custard filling
33g water
45g evaporated milk
13g sugar
240g egg
5g vanilla essence
few drops of colorings (optional)

  • prepare outer and inner dough same as here
  • place inner dough and outer dough separately into clingwrap, shape into squares
  • keep inner dough into freezer till stiff and outer door in chiller section
  • once ready, roll outer dough to be bigger than inner dough (guide by placing inner dough 45° angle onto outer dough
  • fold the edges of the outer dough to wrap the inner dough making sure that it is fully covered
  • clingwrap again and chill for another 20mins
  • roll out combined dough to 1.5mm thick and fold 1/3 of it on top towards the centre and another 1/3 to overlap (single turn)
  • repeat procese centres 2 times and refrigerate each time for 20min
  • roll out dough into rectangle, this time fold 1/4 of both sides towards the centre (book fold)
  • chill for another 30min and while waiting, prepare the egg custard
Egg custard
  • mix all ingredients together into a pot and heat the mixture till just rolling boil to make sure all sugar have dissolved
  • strain the mixture to remove lumps and transfer into a pouring container
  • roll dough out about 3-4mm thick sheet (make sure the working surface and rolling pin is floured well... only turn once after roll and roll firmly and evenly to prevent dough to become elastic)
  • cut with a round cutter (size should be double size of tart cases)
  • place dough into tart cases and press the dough into circular motion to bring the edges slightly above tart cases (DO NOT press the edges/top of dough edge so that it can show flaky layers once baked)
  • only when ready to bake, fill the egg tart dough until approximately 80% full
  • bake for 18min in a pre-heated oven at 200°C until egg set (can see the egg rises but not burnt... it means it is ready to remove from oven)

Foodnote: This is very yummy. The custard is not very sweet. Portion need to adjust as in class we get 8 tarts but the egg custard is good for 4 portions. Also there are still some dough leftovers. Best to not squash the leftovers. Slowly, stacked onto each layers and try to roll out again to make more tarts or for storage to make on other days.

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