Friday, October 23, 2020

Rice Cooker Milk Bread

220g bread flour
2g yeast
25g castor sugar
2g salt
15g vegetable oil or melted butter
145g milk+egg mixture (1 egg + milk)

  • combine all dry ingredients together in a bowl
  • add egg mixture followed by oil and combine well
  • transfer on working surface and knead (like washing clothes) till dough becomes smooth and elastic (about 10min)
  • round the dough and placed in an oiled glass bowl to proof for 1hour till double it's size
  • cut to 9 equal pieces (about 43-45g)
  • take each dough and release air by flattening dough with a rolling pin and round it into a small ball
  • arrange the dough in a small non-stick rice cooker
  • proof again for another 30mins
  • start the rice cooking mode (about 16min) until finish and repeat the start cycle one more time
  • remove immediately from the rice cooker
  • brush with milk/egg wash and pop in oven for 10min at 160°C to brown the top of the oven

Foodnote: Well making homemade bread is my favorite and this is one recipe that I just have to try because I love the simplicity and this is good for those people who don't have an oven. I don't know what to expect but the bread turns out well. I am too lazy to buy milk so I just use evaporated milk. Should have diluted it with water but use it whole hehe so my bread turns out yellowish. Still taste good though and I have no regrets trying this bread. I think it will be as good baked in the oven too. I ate it with butter while it is warm and the skin still crispy... yummy!!!

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