Sunday, February 7, 2021

Bika Ambon Mini

Group 1
350ml coconut milk (200ml Kara coconut cream + 150ml water)
1 lemongrass
2 kafir lime leaf
1 pandan leaf
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1/2 tsp yellow coloring
1/4 tsp salt

Group 2
150g tapioca flour
75g plain flour
6g yeast

Group 3
150g sugar
3 eggs
1 tbsp condensed milk

Group 4
30g melted butter

  • whisk Group 1 together in a saucepan and cook with low heat till rolling boil and put aside to cool 
  • sieve to remove the lemongrass, lime leaves and pandan leaf and make sure the volume is 350ml
  • in a bigger bowl, sift Group 2 and add Group 1 mixture... put aside for 15min
  • mix Group 2 together and to the batter
  • finally add in melted butter
  • whisk well and cover the bowl and leave to rest for 1-2 hours
  • after resting the batter, lightly whisk to remove air bubbles as much as possible and transfer to measuring cup for easy pouring
  • pre-heat mould (put metal sheet under the mould) on very low fire, whisk mixture and pour in 3/4 full into each mould... cook till bubbles formed on the surface and put the cover on (total about 10min)
  • cook till top is fully cooked and gently remove from each mould

Foodnote: Recipe adapted from here. After successfully making the sarang semut mini, I am excited to try to make this since it looks quite easy and straightforward. It turns out well actually. I really likes it. I just saw another mould with 12 holes! Now I am so tempted to get it hhmmm... 

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