Monday, March 1, 2021

Wholemeal Bread

Group 1
528g bread flour
10g instant yeast (low sugar)
3g bread improver
40g sugar
14g skimmed milk powder
10g salt

Group 2
448g cold water
132g wholemeal flour (mix with same weight water taken from 448g)
40g oil/butter

  • in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment, mix all dry ingredients from Group 1 at speed 1 for 20s
  • add water, wholemeal and oil, mix at speed 1 for 2min and speed 2 (KA 4) for 7min till window pane stage
  • remove from bowl (no need to round) and rest for 5-10min
  • cut and divide to 2 portion and rest another 5 to 10min
  • shape the dough for open top loaf or cobb and proof for another 45min till double in size
  • for cobb, spray with water, dust with flour and score the top
  • bake at 200°C + 40% steam (or spray the tray with water) for 10min and 160°C without steam for another 20min

Foodnote: From learning with different chef, discovered many tips of baking good bread. Discovered that best to not handle the dough too much and only use the tip of the fingers. This will make the bread retain it's structure and texture. Love wholemeal bread and will definitely make this again. Personally prefer it in loaf pan.

Have tried baking this at home and it turns out well and yummy!!! Only thing is because I bake open top coupled with the high heat, the top gets dark very fast. I managed to quickly place aluminium foil over the top around 7min to keep it from getting burnt. Will consider doing close top next time or just cover with aluminium foil while baking. Definitely a good recipe and I really love it.

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