Friday, March 5, 2021

Dark Rye Bread

Group 1
667g bread flour
130g rye flour
12g dark malt
6g yeast (low sugar)
12g salt

Group 2
453g cold water

  • using a paddle attachment in a mixing bowl, add all dry ingredients and mix at speed 1 for 20s
  • add water and mix at speed 1 for 2min followed by medium speed (KA 4) for 6min till window pane stage
  • transfer in a lightly oiled large bowl and cover with a clingwrap (no need rounding) and rest for 60min
  • divide the dough into 2 equal portion and rest for 10min
  • shaping: lightly flatten the dough with fingertips, smooth side down... roll gently and pinch the open edge. Using fingers, gently carry it over to the banneton smooth side down ie. pinch side on top
  • proof for 30-35min
  • gently remove from banneton on a tray with parchment paper
  • score the top of the bread and spray water on the parchment paper around the bread (for oven without steamer) and bake at 200°C + 20% steam for 10min and 180°C without steam for 20min

Foodnote: This cafe style bread is nice and soft but maybe more for adult palate. According to the chef, rye bread should be sliced thinly (1cm) and toasted... topped with cheese and turkey ham, then use a form and knife to cut a small piece and enjoy eating hehe.

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