Sunday, March 7, 2021

Raisin Crusty Rolls

(makes 2 portion)

Group 1
517g bread flour
57g rye flour
6g crusty bread improver
9g low sugar yeast
11g castor sugar

Group 2
362g cold water

Group 3
11g olive oil
11g salt

Group 4
115g raisins or sultanas (soaked for 5-10min and drained)

  • in a mixing bowl add Group 1 and 2 together and mix at speed 1 for 2mins followed by speed 2 (KA 4) for another 2mins
  • add Group 3 and mix at speed 1 for 2min and speed 2 at 2-3 min till window pane stage
  • add Group 4 at speed 1 for 2min (if raisins doesn't mix, mix at speed 2 on off on off till evenly combined)
  • rest dough for 10min
  • divide dough at approximately 68g or more and proof (intermediate) for 10-15min
  • shape the dough: flatten the dough with ugly side up, fill with more raisins at the top edge and roll down to form a long oval shape... flatten slightly
  • arrange on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and leave to proof for another 40-45min ~ 30-32°C
  • lightly flour the top of each roll and score the top
  • bake at 210°C for 8-12min with steam

Foodnote: The last recipe for the last day of Cafe Style Bread. The rolls look super cute like mini loaf. I feel that this may be nicer if made into a bigger loaf! Will try it next time maybe with chopped dates woohoo... 

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