Monday, March 1, 2021

Multi Grain Batard

Group 1
532g bread flour
10g instant yeast (low sugar)
3g crusty bread improver
14g brown sugar
10g salt

Group 2
450g water
132g multi-grain (mix with same weight water taken from 450g)
20g butter/oil/olive oil

Group 3
mixed grains

  • in a mixer bowl with paddle attachment, mix Group 1 at speed 1 for 20s
  • add Group 2 and mix at speed 1 for 2min and speed 2 (KA 4) for 7 min till window pane stage
  • remove from bowl and rest the dough for 5-10min
  • cut and divide into 2 portion and rest for another 5-10min
  • take one dough, pat it down and turn smooth side down
  • roll down like spring roll and form shape of batard
  • gently pick up the dough and roll the top on damp cloth... and roll the top with mixed nuts+grains
  • proof for 45min till double in size
  • spray the top and swiftly score the top in 1-3 lines
  • bake @200°C + 40% steam (or spray the tray with water) for 10min and 160°C without steam for another 20min

Foodnote: Like this very much also because it makes me feel that I am eating healthy hehe. Overall very happy with this Cafe Style Bread course and will be making this regularly.

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