Sunday, September 25, 2022

Dates and Almond Sourdough Bread

260g distilled water
90g active sourdough starter
390g bread flour
5g diastatic malt
9g sea salt
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup chopped almonds

  • in a large bowl add starter to water and mix well
  • add in the bread flour, malt and salt mix well till well combined
  • let it rest for 1hr
  • transfer to lightly floured surface and round the dough then rest for another hour
  • stretch the dough out as big as possible and sprinkle the dates and almonds
  • round it up again and let rest for about 4-5hours till dough is double in size
  • shape the dough and transfer to a banetton that have been dusted generously with rice flour
  • let it rest for 1hr and then keep in the fridge for 2hours or more
  • bake as usual in dutch oven (250°C covered for 20min and another 20min uncovered)

Foodnote: Ever since I learnt the simpler way to make sourdough bread and while my starter is getting very active, I decided to make something I've always wanted to try out.

Dates + Almonds = Super Yummy Sourdough bread!!

I think the malt helps makes the crumb softer and less chewy. This is really so delicious I will definitely make this again. Furthermore, it doesn't take long and minus the folding2 process. So happy that I decided to experiment with this yeay!! The bread also yield quite a big loaf... I'll be eating this for the next few days hehe.

Update 7 Oct 2022, Friday:
I really like to have sourdough with fruits and nuts so I made it again... this time with cranberry and almonds. I think I still love the dates and almonds combo. I split the dough into 2. One big one small. I have guests coming so baking it for them and thinking I will keep the small piece for myself. But when I see the guests enjoying the bread, I tapao it for them. I can always make this again :)

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