Thursday, October 6, 2022

Crown Chiffon Cake


Group A
40g butter
45g any desired syrup (mango, orange juice, sweet corn etc.)

Group B
4 egg yolks
70g cake flour

Group C
4 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
50g caster sugar
1 tsp corn flour

  • prepare 6" x 3" round mould with removable bottom (do not use non-stick, don't grease or put parchment paper)
  • pre-heat oven to 180°C top heat only!
  • in a stainless steel bowl, heat Group A together using low fire till butter melted and it is evenly mixed with the syrup
  • remove from fire and sift cake flour into it and mix with a whisk in a round motion till smooth
  • add in the egg yolks and mix again... put aside
  • in a mixer with balloon whisk, beat the egg whites till bubbly then add in the cream of tartar
  • once fine bubble is formed, add in sugar + corn flour mixture (in 3 batches) till stiff peak is formed
  • scoop a portion of egg whites meringue and slowly whisked till even in the egg yolk batter
  • once smooth, pour the yolk mixture to the egg whites and fold till everything is smooth
  • pour into a cake mold and use stick to run through batter to remove air bubbles
  • bake for 5-10min at 180°C till top is light golden and remove from oven
  • use a knife and cut slightly on the top surface making 6 even cuts for the crown to form
  • immediately put back in the oven lowering the temp to 170°C top and bottom heat and bake for another 35-40min
  • cake is fully baked when skewer comes out clean
  • remove from oven, bang on the table few times to loosen the cake... and leave it upside down to cool for 1 hour 
  • remove from the mould gently and enjoy the fluffy cake!

Foodnote: Recipe is from here. It looks so nice so I just have to try and bake this. I just use the mould that I have and the crown didn't rise as much. I also use orange juice ahahah. Anyway... the most tricky part about this cake is to turn it upside down to cool. I drop it a few times :(( but it still tasted good lah. Will bake another one and hope it turns up nicer hehe.

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