Friday, October 21, 2022

No Knead Cranberry, Walnut and Honey Bread

3 cups of bread flour
1 tsp active dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 cup warm distill water
1/2 cup chopped walnut
1/2 cup dry cranberry

  • in a large bowl add bread flour, dry yeast and salt
  • in another small bowl add honey to warm water and mix thoroughly
  • add the honey water to the dry mixture and mix till well combined
  • add walnut and cranberry and mix well
  • cover the bowl and let it rest for 1-3 hours (till dough double in size)
  • transfer dough to well floured working surface
  • fold the dough a few times and shape it into a ball
  • transfer dough into a bowl/banetton and let it rest for final proofing
  • pre-heat oven with a dutch oven at 230°C
  • 30-45min transfer dough to a parchment paper, score and bake dough covered for 20mins and uncovered for 10-15min
  • cool on a rack for 1hr or so

Foodnote: Need a good bread fast to bring to a gathering at my friend's place. Just use yeast because if not my yeast will cry in the fridge since I'm always using sourdough starter hehe. Fast good and yummy woohoo. This bread is a hot favourite with my friends who ate it with Golden Churn spreadable butter with avocado oil.

Maybe next time I might try to add honey to my sourdough bread with inclusions eh.

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