Thursday, October 20, 2022

French Baguette

475g bread flour
65g all purpose flour
2g instant yeast (SAF gold)
3g diastatic malt
10g salt
380g filtered water

  • mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl
  • make a well and add in water
  • mix all ingredients are well combined till shaggy mass is formed
  • place dough in a clean and lightly oiled bowl
  • rest the dough for 3hr, folding it 3x every 45min (LFTB and turn smooth side up)
  • after 3hr, lightly flour the counter and transfer the dough (smooth side down)
  • divide into 3 portions
  • pre-shape each dough (pat and roll to tighten the dough) and rest for another 30min
  • final shape the baguette to baguette tray and let it rest for 30-60min
  • pre-heat oven to 220°C
  • score the baguette right before baking and spray with water
  • after putting the baguette on a tray in the oven, place also a bowl with ice to stimulate steam

  • bake for 20-25min (turn tray 10min into baking and remove the bowl of water)
  • let it cool on a wire rack for 1-2 hours

Foodnote: One of my niece makes awesome homemade mushroom soup 😘👌 and she is so nice to share it with me. So I thought I'd make her homemade french bread. 

Saw this recipe on youtube and the baguette looks really good so of course must try. Everything is good and dough is very easy to handle... except next time I will lower the baking temp to 220°C instead because I think Asian are not very used to dark crusty bread... I think lah. I also need to improve more on how to shape french bread

I really love this recipe and will try to make it again for practice.

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