Saturday, October 8, 2022

Katzoomi Bread (Sourdough Shokupan)

Sweet Starter
40g active starter
40g water
40g bread flour
20g sugar

100g starter
40g water
100g bread flour

Main Dough
120g bread flour
20g sugar
5g salt
25g water
20g whipping cream
all of the sweet starter
all of the preferment
20g unsalted butter

  • prepare the sweet starter in a container: mix starter with water and add flour with sugar
  • prepare the preferment: mix starter with water and add bread flour
  • leave both at room temperature for 2.5hr and keep the preferment in the fridge
  • let the sweet start peak for about another 2hr
  • add all ingredients in a mixer except for butter
  • using a dough hook, mix everything for about 10-15min
  • add in the butter and mix till windowpane stage
  • divide dough into 2, round and rest for 20min
  • shape the dough: roll it long and roll it
  • put dough into greased loaf tin and let it proof to 50% (2hrs or more)
  • apply egg wash (1 egg + 1 tsp milk)
  • bake at 180°C for 35-40min (might want to cover it with foil if the top get too dark)

Foodnote: Saw this loaf of bread and just have to make it since it is using sourdough starter instead of yeast. Love it but it does takes a long time to prepare BUT in terms of taste... ooh la la... really super delicious. I only ate it the next day. After slicing, it was lightly toasted and spread with butter. The texture is so soft with crispy crust and the taste oh so divine. I have to stop myself from eating the whole loaf hehe.

Will definitely make this again but for quick fix yummy loaf will be using the killer toast recipe. The smell of fresh baking bread permeating the house... simply awesome!

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