Saturday, July 29, 2023

Summary of Sourdough Bread: Step by Step

Day 1: Sourdough Starter 
  • (eg. require 140g starter. Always make a bit extra)
  • half feeding in morning (eg. 20S+20W+20BF) 
  • final half feeding in evening (eg. 50W+50BF) 
  • (to accelerate process, put in oven with lights on)
  • feeding of active starter ratio 1S:2W:2BF

Day 2: Prepare Dough
  • measure and mix all dry ingredients in a bowl eg. all flour, salt and diastatic malt (optional)
  • add distilled water and starter and mix to shaggy dough 
  • rest for 1 hr
  • 3x stretch & fold every 30min (add additions at 2nd fold)
  • check gluten development (window pane) if still not ready, do coil fold
  • proof till size increase by 25% (total 3-8hrs or 12-24hrs if using unfed starter) 
  • transfer on working surface (divide if required) and gently round with scraper making a tight loaf
  • rest 20min
  • meanwhile lightly flour banetton with rice flour 
  • gently shape a tight dough and transfer to banetton
  • cover with plastic and leave in fridge to cold retard for 8hr up to 48hr 

Day 3: Bake 
  • pre-heat oven 240C no fan together with dutch oven for minimum for 45min to 1hr 
  • transfer dough into freezer for 30min to firm up and help with scoring
  • transfer dough to parchment or silicon paper 
  • rub surface of dough with rice flour
  • score deep enough for oven spring
  • transfer into hot dutch oven and spray with water... quickly cover the dutch oven
  • bake for 20min covered and lower oven to 230C and bake uncovered for another 15-20min till desired color 
  • *Internal temperature for cooked sourdough bread should be 96-98°C
  • cool on rack for > 1hr before slicing 

Optimal Sourdough Starter Preparation
Ratio 1:5:5
  • divide required amount of starter by 2 eg. for 300g, use 150g BF: 150g W
  • take 10% of 300g... so we need 30g starter
  • use all sourdough starter once fully active or peaked

7min tips to get an Ear
  • before baking, score bread as usual
  • after 7min of baking, take out the bread and do a second score near the small "ear"
  • continue baking
  • ie. for a controlled scoring, score deeper at specific parts of bread after 5min of baking

Tips for better oven spring
  • pre-heat dutch oven for 1hr
  • immediately after putting in dutch oven+dough into the oven, turn off the oven for 20min
  • turn on the oven 240C and continue baking for 20min or so and bake with open dutch oven till desired color

Click here for my go to regular recipe.

Foodnote: Usually I use prima unbleached bread flour. The above bread is baked with bob's mill unbleached bread flour. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Chocolate Cherries Sourdough Bread

350g bread flour 
40g cocoa powder
320g water
80g active starter 
8g salt
5g diastatic malt

leftover cherries
semi-sweet chocolate chips

Foodnote: Recipe here. So I bought Cacao Barry cocoa powder to try due to the good reviews. It really smells amazing. Found this simple recipe however could be due to my technique, the bread ends up flat. Is it due to the inclusions? Will keep trying and learning.

Taste wise... it is ok with strong cocoa taste. Nice to bite into the cherries though. It taste awesome with cream cheese. Hhmmm will try chocolate cheddar sourdough bread.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Pandan Waffle

2 eggs
3/4 cup caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp soft butter (43 grams)
koepo pandan / vanilla essence
200ml coconut milk
1 1/2 cup plain flour

  • using a mixer beat eggs till light and add caster sugar, baking powder and salt
  • once combined add in butter and continue beating till light and fluffy
  • add in pandan paste mix and add coconut milk
  • finally add in flour and beat till fully combined
  • batter is ready to be cooked in a pre-heated waffle maker
  • lightly oil the waffle maker
  • (since I am using a Kenwood sandwich maker, I cook 5min and then turn the waffle over and cook for another 5min)

Foodnote: I love love love waffles and I think Prima Deli's waffle is one of the best! Have not been successful as much with other waffles recipe but finally come across this! It really taste so yummy almost like prima deli especially with the crispy bits. The only thing is I am using a sandwich maker with waffle attachment. I don't have a waffle maker but this is good enough lah. I give a thumbs up to this recipe 👍🏽.

I get 8 small waffles. Ate some and keep the rest in the freezer for another day.

What I might try next time. Sift all dry ingredients together. Separate egg whites and yolks. Beat yoke with sugar, butter, coconut milk and pandan paste. Fold in dry mixture. Beat egg whites till stiff peak. Fold in egg whites to batter. Hope this will make the waffles fluffier?
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