Monday, December 25, 2023

Cempedak Butter Cake

2 eggs
150g cempedak flesh
120g cake flour
140g softtened butter (salted)
100g castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanlla

  • in a bowl, whisk butter and sugar till pale and sugar are dissolved
  • add eggs and vanilla till well combined
  • fold in the flour
  • finally add in the cempedak... can leave some bits on the surface of cake
  • bake in a pre-heated oven at 170°C for 60 to 70min till skewer comes clean
  • cool for min 10mins and remove from mould

Foodnote: Been wanting to eat cempedak butter cake. Saw cempedak at NTUC so I quickly grab it. Also I have cake flour that I need to clear... so just nice lah. Really happy to finally satisfy my craving. So soft and fluffy... a bit sweet maybe because of the cempedak or should reduce the sugar next time. Also my mould is too big lol... should have used the round one which is smaller. I just chopped the cempedak instead of puree because I want to really taste fresh bits when I eat.

The cake is even nicer the next day... so moist. I also kept the seeds and boil it for 30mins with a pinch of salt the next day. Been a long time since I ate cempedak seeds and it tasted so wholesome. Just need to peel off the outer skin and clean the brown inner skin as much as possible... but it is ok to just eat it too. 

I googled for benefits of eating cempedak seeds...
  • prevent depression
  • improve cells
  • improven body metabolism
  • increase body immunity
  • increase energy
  • maintain healthy weight
  • maintain stronger heart
  • prevent joint pains
  • improves digestion

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