Sunday, December 24, 2023


200g atta flour
pinch of salt
2 tbsp olive oil
3/4 cup water 

  • add olive oil, salt and flour in a bowl and mix with hand
  • add water bit by bit till soft dough is formed (might not need to add all)
  • form into a ball, cover with olive oil and leave to rest for at least 30min
  • divide equally into 8 pieces and round each ball
  • pre-heat non-stick pan
  • on a generously floured surface, roll each dough as thinly as possible
  • cook each chapati on both sides till fully cooked
  • keep wrapped in towel or in covered bowl to keep it soft

Foodnote: I love chapati so I finally bought atta flour from Sheng Siong. This time I tried the Anarkali Gold Atta flour. Making chapati is easy compared to roti prata and very satisfying to eat. Cousin gave me minced meat which I cook into curry. I ate 3 pieces chapati with the curry because I am greedy lol. Will keep the rest either to eat with balance curry or make wraps with it.

Next time I will try this. Will brush the cooked chapati with ghee and also will use one of my old tiffin box to store the chapati.

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