Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Healthy and Quick Flatbread

300g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cumin (optional)
1 tsp baking powder
4 tbsp plain yoghurt
~100ml water

  • in a large bowl add flour, salt, ground cumin, baking powder and mix it up
  • add yoghurt and mix 
  • add water gradually and knead till smooth soft dough is formed
  • let it rest for minimum 5min
  • take a portion of dough and round it up... dip in flour and roll into flat dough
  • topping can be added... wet the surface and sprinkle with desired topping eg. fresh herbs or chopped chillies or roasted cumin seeds etc.
  • cook on a hot pan for few minute and turn to the other side
  • remove from pan and brush with butter

Foodnote: Inspired after successfully making chapati a few times, I tried this flatbread. I tried to recreate the flatbread bought by my 2nd brother in Shanghai hehe. The flatbread is soft and I covered the cooked flatbread with towel just like chapati because I wanted a soft bread. It is really nice and soft. What I did is I brush it with melted butter and generously sprinkle with paprika and also garlic. It tasted a bit like the bread my brother brought back from Shanghai. Not the same but ok. I really think it is paprika instead of sezhuan chilli pepper. Kept the rest in the fridge to eat with chilli tuna or rendang or turn into healthy vegetables wrap. 

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