Sunday, January 21, 2024

Kambing Masak Berempah

1kg mutton
1 green chilli 
1 red onion 
6 garlic 
1 cm ginger 
2 tomatoes 

coriander leaves 
curry leaves 
pandan leaves 

1/2 cup coconut milk 

6 dried chillies
1 tbsp coriander seeds 
1 tbsp cumin seeds 
1 tbsp fennel seeds 
1 tbsp black pepper 
~ sauteed till fragrant 
~ pound till fine 

1 tbsp mustard seed 

dry spices (4 sekawan) 
- 1 cinnamon stick 
- 3 star anise 
- 4 cloves 
- 3 cardamom 

2 tsp tumeric powder

  • heat oil then add 4 dry spices 
  • add mustard seeds 
  • add sliced red onion till soft 
  • add pandan leaves + curry leaves 
  • add pound garlic + ginger fry 1min and add in mutton and tumeric 
  • add cubed tomatoes on low fire cook for 10min with lid covered 
  • add spices that have been pounded fine 
  • add 2 cups of water add salt to taste
  • add coconut milk 
  • finally add coriander leaves

Foodnote: Since I love chapati, I wanted to try to make this. Recipe from Sugu Pavithra on youtube. I followed as closed as possible. Turns out very nice and fragrant. Only thing is that my meat some are tender and some pieces are tough. But good recipe and love it.

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